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Specifics of 5G Health Risks

 There are many concerns about 5G health risks. One of them is whether electromagnetic fields is healthy for us. Research has shown that they may increase the risk of neurodegenerative disease, as well as affect fertility. Additionally, they may lower libido and cause an increase in spontaneous abortion. Some researchers think they can be a factor in the development of cancer. There are 15 known mechanisms that EMFs can affect the body. Radiation from 5G The FCC is being pressured to show that 5G technology are safe, and several Democrats in Congress are calling for a study. The problem is that health risks associated with 5G are not clear and the phone industry has been limiting research and information on the technology. Yet, it is hard to see how 5G can be more harmful on the human body than previous generations of wireless technology. Cell phone radiation Researchers and scientists are concerned about the health effects of the radiation from cell phones and 5G cell phone networks. However, the FDA who oversees and regulates mobile handsets and devices that wireless, has not established any safe exposure levels. In fact, they've not conducted the pre-market safety testing that is necessary to set the safe exposure levels. Instead, they have adopted industry-led guidelines for wireless that are not based on the latest scientific research. Beamforming Beamforming is a process of radiofrequency radiation transmission that steers the radiation signal to the areas it is needed. This technology reduces the overall amount of radiation and power that is transmitted at that base station. The process also reduces overall radiation exposure because it is not directed towards the individual. But, there are certain health risks that come with this technique. Radiofrequency energy Radiofrequency energy is one of the most vital technologies of the twenty-first century, but the health risks associated with it are not clear. The 5th generation of wireless technology, called 5G, is set to be used globally, which has led to a debate in countries around the world. In September 390 doctors and scientists called for a worldwide suspension of 5G's deployment. However those who represent the European Union (EU) and the Swiss government's expert committee have not listened to these calls. Cancer Although there are many of 5G health risks, few studies have shown that these technologies can cause cancer. But research into the health risks of cell phones is ongoing. These devices produce a wide range of radiation in the radiofrequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Current cell phones emit radiation that is in an area of 0.7-2.7 GHz. Fifth-generation cell phones are expected to use 80 GHz and above. The resulting radiation is not ionizing but the intensity is sufficient to cause DNA damage which increases the chance of getting cancer. Smoke detectors The rapid growth of 5G subscriptions and the upcoming release of 5G devices Many people are concerned regarding the potential health hazards associated with this latest technology. While research on the risks that 5G brings is not conclusive, it is becoming more important to understand the facts. SARS virus There are many falsehoods concerning the 5G network for instance, that it was an underlying factor in recently reported SARS disease outbreak. These assertions are risky and ineffective. claim the virus was caused by exposure to high frequency 5G radio waves. However, there is no research to prove this.